Dear reader! If you are here for the first time, read three main objectives of this websites to get to know it better!

1. What is Art & Fashion Newsletter?

Art & Fashion Newsletter is my personal website, which goal is to gather together people interested in art and fashion. Four main categories of it are Art, Fashion, Style and Travel, which obviously are a reflection of my main interests. At Art & Fashion Newsletter I regularly publish articles that discuss important things which happens in Art or Fashion field. However, I also share with you my travel inspirations and personal style!

2. What I get by following Art & Fashion Newsletter?

A lot of news and inspirations concerning art and fashion world and so much more! Few times a year I send you a Newsletter, which summarises important things from art and fashion world. Additionally, few times a year I am preparing a beautiful PDF with Fashion Week Trends that occurred at the runways.

3. Who writes at Art & Fashion Newsletter?

Angelika. Art historian, trying to look at the fashion from different perspective. Fashion Assistant in polish ELLE magazine, participant of the 9th Art & Fashion Forum festival in Stary Browar in Poznan in the Fashion Writing department. Admiring Tim Blanks, Suzy Menkes and Nicole Phelps for amazing style of writing about fashion.

Art & Fashion Newsletter initially is a place where I publish all my writing content and improving my skills. Until now, this platform opened a lot of new projects for me, I managed to publish my articles at:


Pica Pica

(*current collaboration)

„Haute Couture – o biżuteryjnych sukniach wartych miliony”

„Błyszcz jaśniej niż diament – Rihanna i Chopard”

„O trendach w biżuterii dla Panów”

„Elegancka, zadziorna, nowoczesna. Nowa kolekcja HardWear Tiffany’ego”

„Kult(owy) Cartier – kiedy biżuteria staje się ikoną”

„Kto da więcej? Biżuteria na aukcjach”

„Wartość mierzona karatami, czyli biżuteria na czerwonym dywanie”

„Ponad czasem. 30 lecie luksusowych zegarków Chanel”

„Sroka Dobra Rada: Jak zwiększyć ilość followersów na instagramie”

„Raport z wybiegów, czyli największe biżuteryjne trendy na wiosnę”

„Sroka Dobra Rada: Jak prowadzić biżuteryjny instagram?”


„Girl power – czyli o kobietach, które dokonały rewolucji w modzie” 

„Technologia (jest) w modzie”

„Sztuka w czasach nowych technologii”

„27 dni modowego szaleństwa”

„Trendy wiosna-lato 2016”


Elle Polska

(*aktualna współpraca)

„Rudowłosa Ekscentryczka – Sonia Rykiel” nr 11|2016


„Savoir-faire Balenciagi” nr 12 | 2017

„Jackson Pollock. Demitologizacja” nr 9|2015

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me at

Best wishes and hope you are going to stay with me for a while!
